Get the Camp Details before you register

Meals&Snacks are provided free of charge(not including dinner)
Fees cover all classes and field trips

10% sibling discount (Promotional Code: Sib10)

Registration&Material Fee: $50/family (for full-time 5-days/week)
$25/family (for sign-up by days)
Registration fee must be paid for reserving a spot.

Camp Fees:
$250/week Full Time (8:30am-6pm)
$55/day for sign-up by days
Email for part-time rates

Note: We are full for some of the weeks. Completing the registration form does not guarantee your spot in our camp, but it will guarantee you to get on the waiting list. A registration confirmation will be sent to you within 3 business days if we have space for your child. Thank you!

    Child's First Name (required)

    Child's Last Name (required)

    Child's Nick Name (optional)

    Child's Birthday (required)


    Current School (required)

    Grade (required)

    Mom's Name (required)

    Mom's Phone (required)

    Mom's Email (required)

    Dad's Name (required)

    Dad's Phone (required)

    Dad's Email (required)

    Home Address (required)

    Sign up for
    June 1st to July 28thJune 9th to July 28th7 weeks6 weeks5 weeks4 weeks3 weeksOther
    Please specify the dates if you are not signing up for the full summer camp:

    What would you like your child to accomplish through the Quentz Bilingual Camps

    Please list any allergies or medical conditions that Quentz Bilingual Academy should be aware of:

    Please do not send your child to our camp with a fever or bad cough. Germs spread quickly through the classroom and we want to try and reduce as much illness as possible. If your child must miss our camp due to illness, we will save any important work for your child for when he/she returns. No Child with a fever of 100.4F or above is allowed to stay in the camp. Physician to be called, if needed, in emergency (we will call 911 when necessary)

    Doctor's Name (required)

    Doctor's Phone (required)

    Name/s of Authorized Person/s to Pick Up Child (required)

    Quentz Bilingual Academy teachers occasionally take photographs or videos of students in the classroom.
    Yes, I give my permission for my child to be photographed or videotaped during activities at Academy or on field trips.No, I do not want my child photographs to be taken.

    Cancellation and Refund Policy: No refunds after used camp/classes. No Refunds for individual missed days/classes.
    I understand and accept the cancellation policy.

    I/We, on behalf of myself and my minor child, agree to release, hold harmless and indemnify Quentz Bilingual Academy, their employees, officers and agents, from any loss, cost, damage, accident, illness, or death occurring and/or expense of any nature, including all attorneys’ fees and costs which I or my child may have resulting, either directly or indirectly, from my child’s participation in Quentz Bilingual Academy's curricular programs or activities.
    I/we acknowledge that we have read and understand this document and accept the risk and responsibility.

    How did you hear about Quentz program? (Required)
    Registered with Quentz Bilingual beforeFrom someone (please enter the name in the following question)From other

    Name of the person who referred you

    Please specify if "From other"

    If you have a promotional code, enter here (only one discount can be applied)

    When you click on the button below, you will receive an email confirmation. Please follow the instructions in the email to complete the registration.